Monday, December 14, 2009

Circumcision Ni Pepe

Circumcision, circumcision, circumcision, CIRCUMCISION!! DIYOS KO!! Why have you created such a horrible feat of man?!?! Isn’t it bad enough that Filipino’s are more inferior to the Spaniards when it comes to that, and you had to go giggling your way thinking that hey why don’t we shorten even more!!

On a serious note to all my blog readers sorry about that, as you can see from my ranting, I just came from a procedure called circumcision. And believe you me when I tell you this. OMFG!!!! It is the most painful thing on earth! And the way they do the procedure is so crude and inhumane! But that’s partly my fault, you see mama gave me money to go get circumcised but as I was going to the hospital, I stumbled into this pub that I saw along the way and to my astonishment I ended up drinking till I only had 2 centavos left. I said to myself NOW I’M SCREWED!! If I go back home uncircumcised mama is going to hang me upside down on top of our coconut tree, and I did not want that to happen again! So I went back in the pub and talked to the bartender Mang Jose, to ask him where is the cheapest place to get circumcised (boy I wished I’d never asked him that question). He said to me go to mang tony’s butchery shop and ask for Roque the butcher, he knows a friend of a friend of a friend who can do the procedure for 2 centavos. The moment I arrived at the butchery, there was a long line of guys waiting to get the service. When it came my turn they have given me instructions on how the will do it. But inside my head I was already panicking, because when I saw the device that they used, first thing that came to my head was that it looked really familiar only that it is much smaller, as I thought about it even more I realized that it was a miniature guillotine!!

And it came in 3 sizes Small, Medium and Large. as you can see from the picture above you insert your thing and wait for them to pull the chord. 2 things came to mind when i was about to start the procedure. first, isn't there any anesthesia that will take away the pain?? i mean come'on the darn thing looks really painful and second, isn't there another more humane way of doing this?? you have to be sure, because it won't grow back. At this point I was already worried what will happen to my putotoy. When they were going to start the procedure all they said was to take a deep breath andddd…. BAM!! That’s when they released the blade! (This was about the time when I started screaming like a little girl). But I hear this loud voice saying WHOOPS!!…. And to my horror they had missed the target!! (sumobra kuno)

Well after they missed the target they had to do it again just to fix what was left of my putotoy and a few days later they had forgot to mentioned to me that they had antiseptics, anesthesia, and a surgical blade just like this...

if only I paid a little bit more.

One thing that I have learned from this experience was that never ever is kuripot PERIOD!! But as a consolation gift to me at least my darling Maria like the way it looked when I showed it to her.

Jose “pepe” Rizal

(jay periquet)

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